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Home > Press > GBAC STAR Accreditation Awarded

GBAC STAR Accreditation Awarded

BALTIMORE, MD – The Baltimore Convention Center has been awarded the GBAC STAR™ accreditation, the gold standard for prepared facilities from the Global Biorisk Advisory Council® (GBAC), a Division of ISSA, the World Wide Cleaning Association. The Center is the first to receive the accreditation from of a growing list of hospitality industry leaders in the Baltimore area working towards the goal of regional accreditation.

"It is with great satisfaction and pride that we announce the Center’s GBAC STAR accreditation. This accreditation is an important step in ensuring that the Center is equipped to safely welcome in-person events back into our facility when the time is right. It clearly signals to our clients, business partners, attendees, and staff that specific protocols, policies, and procedures have been put in place with their safety and well-being in mind.” Peggy Daidakis, Baltimore Convention Center Executive Director

The GBAC STAR™ accreditation offers third-party validation that the Baltimore Convention Center is implementing industry—standard, thorough cleaning, and disinfection practices into its policy and operational procedures. Twenty program elements that address specific performance and guidance criteria were met to be awarded the accreditation. Training and Certification is one element of the Center’s five pillar Clean Space Commitment that demonstrates the importance of equipping the staff with the most up-to-date education and training. Currently 49 employees have received ISSA’s Certified Custodial Technicians Basic Certification.

“We are excited to learn about Baltimore Convention Center’s GBAC STAR facility accreditation. As we look into recovery, it is extremely important to organizers and their stakeholders to partner with venues that are committed to facilitating an environment that maximize the real and perceived dynamics as live events once more become a viable marketing opportunity. We congratulate BCC and all venues that have attained accreditation. Their leadership in creating a safe infrastructure is a necessary component in accelerating the return of trade shows and their impact to the recovery of our nation’s economy.”Marc Rosenstock, Chief Executive Officer-ROC Exhibitions, Inc.

As the premiere location for meetings and events in the Mid-Atlantic Region, the Baltimore Convention Center has been in close contact with City and State officials and our partners at Visit Baltimore to ensure our efforts are in synch for providing a united front in defeating the spread of the virus while actively creating a reopening plan for the facility that places us back in our role as an economic driving force for the region. A list of frequently asked questions concerning plans for re-opening can be found here.

“Visit Baltimore was proud to bring the GBAC certification program to Baltimore, and I’m so glad to see the Baltimore Convention Center taking this important, proactive step to help ensure that travelers, conventioneers and guests enjoy their visit to Charm City—and with the peace of mind and confidence they need during uncertain times.” Al Hutchinson, President & CEO of Visit Baltimore
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